Friday, August 24, 2007

22 Eleasias, 1368: Owlbears and Ants!

The first corridor they explore is a dead end, but there seems to be something there. The elf is confused at first, sensing something familiar and at the same time entirely alien in this environment. Then, suddenly, it dawns on her--"These are owl pellets," she says.

Routunious is not convinced, "These are bigger than an owl, how could they be owl pellets?"

"Something similar to them, then. Look. They are all the undigested parts, thrown back up...bones, something that looks like large chitinous from the hook horror or maybe giant ants, and...buttons."

"Let me see that!"

The priest shines his hatlamp on the objects and realizes that they are indeed clumps of undigested bone and gristle, flakes of exo-skeleton and there are copper buttons in them as well.

8:30 am
Elessaria and Routunious agree that if whatever left these pellets is big enough to eat something that wears buttons, they need to be cautious. They move down the first corridor on the right. Despite their caution, they are surprised when two enormous owl heads poke their heads out. These are not giant owls, however, they are some foul hybrid creature with the head of an owl and the body of an enormous bear.

"Owlbears!" Elessaria cries as the beasts attack her.

The first owlbear swings and misses with a claw, its second claw also misses, but when it lunges in to snap with it sbeak it catches part of Elessaria's arm and draws blood.

The priest and elf do a controlled retreat back towards the grotto, shouting warnings to their companions. Degar hears the commotion and gets closer, readying his warhammer. He shouts over his shoulder, "Wizard, ye might want to ready them scrolls ye found, they're no use to us if we're killed!"

Duncan shouts back, "How about Monster Summoning VI?"

"Whatever ye think, wizard, just do something to help!"

"First things first," Duncan sasy, and drags Fink away to a safer place.

Elessaria & Routunious move back, back, back and the owlbears pursue. The elf makes a stand near the entry to the grotto, her sword held ready. The owlbears close.

The first attacks, again Elessaria manages to dodge the claws by is caught by the owlbear's beak. As she clenches her jaw to repress the pain, Duncan readies the scroll and casts the spell. In a flash of light and slight odor of sulphur, three monsters appear in the grotto.

Duncan has summoned a Troll, Hook Horror,and a Minotaur.

The owlbears are surprised and distracted by the appearance of the summoned monsters! Elessaria moves back as Degar steps forward, but he allows the summoned monsters to make the first attacks.

The troll and hook horror strike first, the hook horror cuts a deep slash through the first owlbear, revealing internal organs and spilling a great deal of blood. The troll hits savagely with both its claws and sinks its teeth deeply into the neck of the owlbear. It shudders and falls under the weight of the troll. The other owlbear realizes its mate is dying. The remaining owlbear launches into a frenzied attack, lashing out at the hook horror. It misses with both its claw attacks but the bite cracks the exo-skeleton and the wound drips a yellow ochre.

The minotaur closes now, and attacks with the greatsword it holds, doing just as much damage on the initial blow as it does on its backswing.

Elessaria, in awe of the sheer power of these three monsters and grateful they are in her service rather than attacking her, moves back further into the grotto.

The troll attacks the remaining owlbear, missing with the first swipe of its clawed hand but its other talon sinks deeply into the other monster's flesh and it howls a horrible, painfilled hooting growl. The troll tries to bite down on it but comes up with only a mouth full of feathers. The owlbear twists under the troll and lashes out again at the hook horror, doing minor damage before missing with its other claw. The owlbear's bite does twice the damage that its claw had.

The minotaur brings its sword down again in a massive blow, nearly removing the owlbear's head. It dies. The three sommoned monsters look around, waiting for further instructions, but Duncan is too stunned by the display to utter any words. The troll begins feasting on the remains of the owlbears. The minotaur simply stands still, blinking and breathing heavily. The hook horror begins a slow clacking of its hooks and seems to be staring with hatred at the young wizard.

Degar breaks the tension, "Well, ye did something useful, afterall, wizard. How long will your pets be staying with us?"

Duncan snaps out of it and smiles. He says, "Maybe an hour?"

Elessaria says, "Then, have them move ahead of us in the corridor, if you please, Duncan."

Duncan orders the monsters to lead, and he follows them down the long passage way. Elessaria and Degar move up the tunnel where the owlbear's lair had been. Routunious elects to stay behind and keep watch over sleeping Fink.

Degar sees the room with piles of pellets and discovers a pair of glasses and three gemstones that had been overlooked in the previous excitement.

In the corridor Duncan and the monsters are exploring, a large swarm of giant ants are observed coming up from a hole in the floor that blocks the passage. They move as a collective body towards the minotaur, which is in the lead. They swarm over the creature, as it bellows loudly in pain.

Duncan watches in horror as the minotaur stumbles and falls and is immediately covered in ants. Some of the ants were probably crushed when the minotaur fell on them, but many more continue to arrive to take their place. The minotaur thrashes and screams in unimaginable agony until it suddenly stops. Duncan sees its fingers loosen on the greatsword, so ineffective against these giant insects, and then the monster disappears. Ants that had been on top of it hover in the air for a moment and then fall to the ground, looking for the meal they were enjoying.

Duncan, in a moment of pure academic conjecture, imagines that when he cast the spell this minotaur was plucked from its cave and stolen away from its mate and possibly even children...only to be returned a short time later dead and partially eaten by insects....that would certainly be a shock to his family!

Duncan is shaken out of his thoughts when he notices that the ants have noticed him and the two remaining monsters. Duncan slips behind the two creatures and orders them to attack the ants. The troll wades in and begins throwing them back down the tunnel. The ants chew deeply into its flesh, which quickly regenerates after each bite.

Duncan slips back down the corridor, he doesn't need to see the battle to know that it is terrifying. The troll is howling in rage and pain, and then suddenly, it stops. Duncan is certain that the ants have killed it...perhaps wherever it reappears it will regenerate there.

Only the hook horror remains to occupy the ants and within moments, it too stops clacking. The ants have done in minutes what two huge owlbears had been unable to even attempt to do.

Duncan flees into the grotto shouting about the ants. The party listens to the description and look down the passage, but no ants seem to be following the young wizard.

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