Sunday, August 19, 2007

18 Eleasias, 1368: Inside the Dwarven Outpost

The passageway seems to open on the living quarters of dwarves. A secret series of rooms that have remained well-hidden for a human lifetime, the air un-breathed until
the Company found the secret entrance. The secret, no doubt, helped to be kept by th bear taking up residence in front of it!

As they move down the passageway, Elessaria and Routunious see a soft and diffuse blue light ahead of them. Elessaria's vision shifts back to the normal spectrum and Routunious puts a hand on the handle of a throwing knife. They round the corner and the great vault is revealed. Dozens of arches and flying buttresses shore up the ceiling of this enormous cavern 25 feet above. The blue light is stronger here, emanating from three bright blue globes that sit atop three of four great pillars standing in the centre of the room. The fourth pillar is dark, no globe sits atop it.

Routunious asks, "Are these blue orbs related to the green one?"

"I don't think so...They are much smaller."


"They appear to be nothing more than lamps, stone orbs upon which a continual light spell has been with your hat light...but stay alert to danger."

They continue to examine the great, circular chamber. It is decorated with a bas relief border depicting bearded dwarven legions fighting hordes of orcs and trolls. The areas under the arches have been carved into niches, fire pits, and areas separated by low stone walls; perhaps tapestries or curtains once hung before them.

There are six exits leading out of the room, including that from the secret passage where the Elessaria, Tick-a-Tick, and Routunious have entered. Large pillars stand before two of the passageways and statues of dwarven warriors line both sides of the corridors. Two other passageways are undecorated. A set of rusty iron double doors indicates the sixth exit.

Routunious whispers, "You seem to be doing remarkably well."

Elessaria responds, "What do you mean?"

"I didn't think that elves were accustomed to environs more suited to dwarves."

"I'm not exactly comfortable underground, it is true, but I've forced myself to get used to it by exploring the caves in the woods near my home," Elessaria explains.

"How remarkably far-sighted of you."

"Thank you...I do try to prepare for every contingency I can think of in advance."

"Perhaps you'd like to carry our companions? They might be safer in your care than mine." Routunious says, as he offers her the two figurines. Elessaria accepts, and places them in her pouch with great care.

Routunious suggests, "Perhaps we should be methodical in our search of these chambers. Begin with the natural opening here on our right side and work our way around the room?"

Elessaria shrugs, it doesn't matter to her in what order the search is conducted, only that it be done quickly and thoroughly. Routunious arms himself with knives and Elessaria readies her bow.

3:00pmPeering down the darkened opening in the stone, they can see shafts of light coming in, several yards down the passage.

"Another entrance?" Routunious asks.

"Possibly. But we didn't notice anything like a doorway on the cliff wall outside. Judging the distance from the entrance to that point...this passage would end on the other side of the rock from where the eagles had nested. More likely this is a hidden observation point or more crossbow slits to shoot at any who might try to get in through the front door."

"Not likely to be anything worth looking at then," Routunious says, "shall we try the double doors?"

Elessaria examines the corridor wherein the rusty doors are set. They are made of iron and set with great skill into the natural stone with massive hinges. On each door is a handle covered in dust. The elven ranger uses her long sword to push on the doors very slightly. They do not give at all. She reaches out her gauntleted hand to grip the handle on the right door, turning it gently while pushing very slightly inward. From the open crack between the doors a soft red light spills out.

Elessaria peeks through the crack. Inside she sees wooden racks lining the walls and standing in the middle of a windowless room. The red glow comes from gigantic beetle-like creatures with a single large compound eye and some sort of vent atop their glowing abdomens, from which short bursts of flame periodically jet forth. The strange creatures are scuttling across the floor, clicking their mandibles and hissing. They do not seem to have noticed the elf, and she slowly closes the door again.

Routunious asks, "What did you see?"

She describes the room and the fire beetles, and then says, "I couldn't tell if anything was on the racks in the flickering light provided by those creatures, but I think they were empty."

"Then, let's move on to the next room," he says, already walking toward it.

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